"Education is our greatest gift and opportunity that can never taken away, a wonderful opportunity for discipleship"
We are updating the name of our school due to similarity of another school's name. We will update from Missioned International Academy to Ushinde International School, UIS
since 2019
As an intentioned child mission, Sonship responded to the call to give opportunity and gift of education to children we have been serving. Our project started under a tree, playing with children and later built three classrooms with woods. Started with 11 children with free education, and now serving around 500 children in the less advantaged location, Northern province of Burundi, Kirundo.
Our School is a Home of both orphaned children who receive a free education and non-orphaned children supported by their own families, we strive to provide a Christ centered education that will flex a next generation of God-fearing leaders.
Ushinde means, win-overcome. We don't do much than giving a gift of education to the kids we serve to prepare champions and critical thinkers.
With no discrimination of race, religion, gender or any other thing, our school offers a gift of education to children from all background.. some are abandoned children brought into foster homes, and we seek to stand with them in all their education journey
Our School is a home of both abandoned orphaned children and non-orphaned children supported by their families, we gladly welcome every child in difficulties to attend school, we make it possible and give this gift, bring the abandoned child you may know
Praying to extend the land and build new classrooms, bless us with joining this initiative, every single penny counts
Our Gallery
our team
UI School Board member, Senior Advisor
UI School Director, Head Teacher
UI School board member, Sonship Projects Coordinator
Administration, Finance Responsible